Taryn Johnson, one of The Joinery's sales staff, had the wonderful opportunity to take a trip to Tulsa, OK to educate high risk/low income fifth graders about the importance of planting trees. She was invited by her dearest friend, Ms. Smith, who recently was accepted into the Teach For America (TFA) program. Before taking her trip, she contacted Tree in a Box , a Portland company which specialized in the tree growing kits shown below, to buy the kits. However when she contacted Trees in Boxes, they instantly offered to donate seventy trees in boxes to the children.
Over the course of one day, Taryn taught the very enthusiastic children different characteristics of each species to three classes. Each student received a seed of their own, in which they got to plant and keep in the classroom window. The seedlings began sprouting and will be removed and planted around the school once they are strong saplings.
If you would like to know more about this project click here or for more information on Tree in a Box click here.